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Future Trends in Laboratory Medicine

At the ADLM 2024 conference, industry leaders discussed innovations reshaping laboratory medicine, emphasizing interdisciplinary integration, automation with robotic process automation (RPA), ethical artificial intelligence, advanced mass spectrometry, and precision medicine through pharmacogenetics, aiming to improve diagnostics and patient care.


Gregor Mittersinker

August 14, 2024


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The science community convened at the 2024 conference of the Association for Diagnostics and Laboratory Medicine (ADLM) to exchange new ideas and explore the latest trends in diagnostics and medicine. This year highlighted an important shift in the field, including the growing integration of disciplines within laboratory medicine, the expanding role of automation and data analytics, and the implications of evolving regulatory landscapes. The field has taken crucial steps towards adapting to and embracing the dynamic trajectory of laboratory medicine.

Dynamic Developments in Laboratory Medicine

Leveraging Robotic Automation for Enhanced Laboratory Workflows

Faced with fewer people entering the industry, burnout, and an aging workforce, laboratories are navigating major challenges such as severe labor shortages and surging test volumes. These pressures exacerbate staff burnout and attrition, despite ongoing efforts to recruit, train, and retain new laboratorians. To address these issues, laboratory leaders are turning to robotic process automation (RPA) to create more efficient workflows. RPA software automates repetitive tasks that are common in clinical laboratories. RPA is gaining traction in healthcare and has the potential to accelerate many tasks in the laboratory. Many companies at ADLM 2024 offered a broad range of RPA applications.

Next-Gen Microbiology Automation

Many laboratories are exploring ways to enhance testing capabilities while reducing manual labor. Automation, long utilized in clinical chemistry and hematology, is now advancing into clinical microbiology through Total Laboratory Automation (TLA). Although TLA in microbiology is a relatively new development, it offers substantial efficiency gains.

Implementing TLA in microbiology, however, presents challenges, including significant capital investment and the need for skilled personnel and informatics resources to develop and manage these systems. TLA not only addresses inefficiencies but also alleviates concerns that automation may displace human jobs. Instead, it enables the existing workforce to manage a larger volume of tests more efficiently. Laboratory professionals now have the opportunity to understand the full scope of requirements needed to implement and maintain an automated system. This knowledge is essential for effectively evaluating potential drawbacks and benefits, and for considering the essential questions before integrating such systems into microbiology departments. By doing so, laboratories are better prepared to optimize operations while maintaining high standards of quality and productivity.

Building Ethical AI in Laboratory Medicine

Laboratory medicine, with its rich datasets and growing reliance on machine learning, is at a juncture with the opportunity to lead in promoting equity in healthcare. To do so effectively, the criteria for evaluating algorithm success must extend beyond mere accuracy and implementability, to include fairness. This expanded focus will ensure that advancements in data analytics contribute positively to equitable patient care. As machine learning and data analytics increasingly influence the quality and efficiency of healthcare, it's crucial to recognize the risk of perpetuating existing biases if fairness is not integrated into algorithms. These biases can amplify disparities and harm at scale. A fundamental part of addressing this issue involves defining what constitutes algorithmic fairness, measuring it objectively, and understanding the strengths and limitations of different approaches. It's critical to engineer fairness into algorithms throughout their creation, from initial design to post-training adjustments. These "fairness-aware" algorithms aim to generate accurate and unbiased predictions for patient treatment.

“Algorithms are not training in some fair universe, they train in our reality with all our warts and issues.”

Mark Zaydman, MD, PhD, CLN DAILY 2024

Mass Spectrometry for Laboratory Medicine

The extensive data derived from proteomics plays a crucial role in understanding the origins of lymphomas and propelling the advancement of precision oncology treatments. The potential for Mass Spectrometry (MS) - based proteomics to revolutionize routine clinical workflows is immense, representing transformative changes that were hard to imagine just two decades ago. MS offers a pivotal analytical tool in modern healthcare, offering a deep dive into protein characterization within tissue samples. This includes quantifying protein abundance, assessing post-translational modifications, and examining protein interactions on a comprehensive scale. The laboratory's pivotal role is underscored by its ability to leverage this sophisticated technology on patient specimens, maximizing the potential of MS-based proteomics. 

"We sit at the nexus of basic science and the implementation of therapies and diagnostics utilizing MS" 

Kojo S.J. Elenitoba-Johnson, MD, CLN DAILY 2024

Clinical MS, on the other hand, with the ability to detect metabolic disorders and monitor drug effectiveness and toxicology, is evolving to meet urgent clinical needs through real-time applications. These advancements enable rapid detection of drugs and metabolites, improving clinical decision-making. Traditionally used for tasks like immunosuppressant monitoring and confirmatory drug testing, MS offers molecular specificity and the capability to detect and quantify multiple substances from small sample volumes. Implementing real-time MS has proven particularly impactful in pediatric drug screening, facilitating timely clinical decisions. As these novel applications of MS develop, they promise more personalized approaches to healthcare. These innovations and improvements in MS are set to revolutionize patient care, offering faster, more precise medical interventions.

Precision Medicine for Optimal Patient Care 

Pharmacogenetic (PGx) testing is transforming healthcare by utilizing individual DNA profiles to forecast how patients will respond to specific drugs. This emerging field has grown significantly in both availability and use, significantly impacting treatments in psychiatry, pain management, cardiology, and oncology. The scope of PGx testing is broad. Over the past two decades, pharmacogenetic details have been incorporated into the package inserts of many drugs, initially guiding testing recommendations. Testing has shown its potential to enhance clinical outcomes significantly, with trials confirming the benefits of "DNA-guided" dosing. This method leverages genetic data to customize drug selection and dosage, moving away from traditional trial-and-error approaches. The field is advancing from single-gene tests that target specific drugs to extensive genetic panels that provide a holistic view of a patient's PGx data. This progress has facilitated the development of a "DNA passport," a comprehensive report that patients can share with their healthcare providers to ensure all pertinent genetic information is considered when making dosing decisions. This innovation necessitates continued collaboration among international professional organizations to refine actionable gene and allele lists. Introducing DNA passports holds the promise of significantly improving drug prescribing efficiency, enhancing patient satisfaction and safety, and reducing healthcare costs by making more precise medication decisions right from the beginning.

A bright future

Numerous changes sweeping through laboratory medicine, which are poised to reshape the field. These transformations are evident in the increased integration between various laboratory medicine disciplines, the incorporation of automation within clinical microbiology, and the enhanced utilization of data analytics, including advanced artificial intelligence and data visualization techniques. Embracing these changes not only reflects the evolving trajectory of the profession but also underscores the critical role of clinical laboratorians in delivering high-quality healthcare. Together, these developments are guiding the future direction of laboratory medicine, promising improved outcomes and greater efficiency in diagnostic processes.

About the Author



Gregor Mittersinker


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Austrian-born Gregor is in his element while dissecting most complex business & technology challenges and creating their next level business outcomes. Prior to starting Loft, Gregor led a Strategy & Design team at Accenture Interactive, where he helped launch new multi-billion dollar businesses for global fortune 500 companies. He also led creative teams at Rollerblade, InMusic & Cross.He has worked in the US, Europe & Asia over the past 30 years has earned numerous design awards as well as holds well over 100 patents for product innovations around the globe.

Outside of business hours he teaches Service Design & UX at RISD, and hosts a weekly think tank with global business & political leaders around the world.

A natural motivator, leader, collaborator, and innovator, the only thing that takes Gregor’s eyes off of design for long is his love for winter sports, kitesurfing and DJing in local clubs. Many have tried to keep up with Gregor, few have succeeded.

Next level inspiration … Japanese wood craft and joinery, minimalist forms that are functional and proportioned.

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